I am so excited to launch this business venture designed to serve students and their parents! Several months ago, when I knew I would be transitioning out of my job of 10 years at a private school, I had the opportunity to explore the question, “What do you want to do?” I realized that I have found the greatest satisfaction in helping students realize their goals. Sometimes those goals are focused on improving grades and becoming stronger students. Sometimes those goals have longer-reaching impact, as students look to what they will study in college, and ultimately pursue as a career. I am very process oriented, and love engaging with students in each step along the way. I love to learn about my students. What makes them unique? What are their particular strengths? How might the things they love now become the doorway to their future? Watching students experience the joy of success has been the most fulfilling part of my professional life!
I hope you will join me! My desire is to serve a broad range of students: homeschool students and private school students who may not have access to guidance services; public school students who desire more personal, focused attention; students facing educational transitions; non-traditional students who want to further their education. Please explore my website and contact me for more information. And, spread the word so others can learn more as well.
I look forward to all that is to come!